Stories of Hope. Faith. Strength.

When we meet others who go through similar experiences, it is yet another step in our journey of healing. We may identify with them and learn from them. It can even break down the isolation that patients often feel upon diagnosis.

Stories that are shared can also help friends and family to understand, empathise and cope with the challenges they face.


A personal story, when shared, has the ability to connect, empower and heal others as well as yourself.


Wanted. Your Story.

Because it matters. Because it can save lives.


Even though your health story may seem like something to keep private, sharing it can connect you with patients who have similar health experiences, as well as those different from your own.

Your story can move those who are unaware or hesitant to go for a blood test and be diagnosed. This could save lives.

Your story can also help others cope with the physical, emotional and social challenges which they face, as well as help family, friends and even doctors of hepatitis patients to understand their needs better.

At the same time, sharing can help heal you in a way that medication cannot. In fact, it can be part of your strategy for recovery.

Your story matters.

How To Tell Your Story

You don’t have to be a professional writer to tell your story.  If you would like to share your story of hope and healing, these points will help you along:

  • How much of your story are you willing to share? 
  • How comfortable is your family with you talking about your story (or theirs)?
  • What are your key messages? Your goal should be to educate and inspire hope.
  • What helped you heal and cope with your challenges?
  • Do you have advice for others on how to talk to a  family member or friend who is struggling?
  • What’s the best way you’ve found to persevere through your therapy?
  • How did you manage your fears and anxiety?

Please email your story to and then someone from Rainbow Across Borders will contact you. We will talk to you and may arrange to meet you in person. We will help you edit and refine your piece before it is shared.
